Friday, January 21, 2005

Profiting Off the Dead: Amber Frey Sucks!

I'm sure the sales from Witness will go towards funding Amber's next incarnation/makeover for the media. It'll be chunky champagne highlights this time around. While Lacy and Connor decompose further, Amber Frey will be producing her crocodile tears on a show like 60 Minutes, while making sure not to smudge her expensice mascara, bought by the profits from the death of two innocent human beings.


Sunday, January 16, 2005

Reality Television: Crack in a Box?

With so many forms of addiction in the world, I had to choose reality television as my addiciton. I know, it's trashy, gratuitous, and a surely passing fad; but I love it so.

There's my current fave: Strange Love starring Brigitte Nielsen and Flavor Flav. And the title of the show couldn't have explained this show any more accurately.

Then there's the ever-loving Big Brother, where I wait with bated breath for the new season. Each season gets more cut-throat and evil.

I can go on and on about reality television, but I won't. However, there is something very addictive about strategically placed cameras around a group of washed-up celebrities, inebriated college students, sluts, and fat people. It's so deliciously mind-warping.