Monday, October 25, 2004

My NaNoBlogMo

Yes...I'm going there. So what if I only have just a title? Who knows what creative juices may be flowing come November. Check out All Is Right in Love.

So, starting November Bel Esprit will be all about writing a novel. I'll share my joys, frustrations, and Eureka! moments with all.


Margaret Larkin said...

Hey Amy--welcome to the blogosphere. Have you done Nanowrimo before? I did it a couple of years ago, and have signed up for this year.

Shopgirl said...

No, Mj, I have never done NaNo before. It's just a whimsical journey I decided to embark on. I hope it's fun and exciting, because thinking about it sure is.

Thanks for welcoming me to the elite bunch of blogheads. I bow.

Margaret Larkin said...

I will most likely be going to the Chicago nanowrimo get together on Monday night. I don't live too far away from there. Are you going?

Shopgirl said...

No, Mj, I'm not going. In fact, I didn't even know there was one -- I'm pretty new to this all.

Possibly in the future, though.