Here are three hopes I have for the blogworld:
ONE: For more authors who blog to be sassier, and try a little harder to present topics that appeal both to writers and readers.
TWO: For Karin Gillespie's books to soar to the top of the best-seller lists. Because Karin works hard to keep her blog topical, and takes the time to encourage writers and readers by providing links and insight to the joys and frustration of being a new author. Go, Karin.
THREE: For myself to start blogging more often and more generally.
Those are my hopes for the blogworld in the new year. Now the hopes for my personal life...well, that's another entry.
What do you mean by "sassier"? Do you mean more honest in criticism?
You hit it on the nail, MJ. (Sorry for the cliche.)
"Honest in criticism" is one dignified step above confrontational.
Btw, Happy New Year, MJ!
Damn, I accidentally erased two comments. Blogger should have something to prevent idiots like me from doing stupid things like accidentally clicking on the trash pail, instead of the comments link.
Anyway, here are the comments I erased:
mj klein said: I don't think your sassy wish will come true, because published writers don't want to risk being critically honest. It's not good for business.
amy hausen said: Alas, MJ, this is true. But a girl can wish, can't she?
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